Friday, December 12, 2008

The Real American History X

American government is run by sick people quietly guiding everyone to the New World Order. Since at least 1787, after sabotaging the Articles of Confederation, the dominating European money powers subverted America and established their elite underground circle in the heart of America. Despite the revolution, the shadowy elite were able to infiltrate American politics, commerce, and corporations. Members of the secret society networks across Europe lived among our founding fathers. Freemasonry was in no shortage at the Continental Congress and they established their national lodge in Washington D.C. However, membership to the truly ominous groups is undisclosed even to their colleagues.
Funded by the central banks of 1800 and generations of wealth names such as, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg and others began the push against human rights and lay the framework for corporate and government control. By the 1900's the total consolidation of all our media was on the horizon. Global superpowers marched millions of lifes into the first World War by funding all sides through banks. Paul Warburg used his newspaper to publish false reports of a nearing ecomnic collapse which turned New York into a temporary frenzy. This example was presented to congress in order to usher in the Federal Reserve and end the gold standard. Both of these would be used to issue mass credit and collapse the economy in 1929, which was extremely profittable to those on the the inside. The next step was to implement New Deal one and two expanding the size of government to unbelieveable heights. This same ring of globalists went on to permit an attack on Pearl Harbor and fund every country in World War II, and fake the Gulf of Tonkin sending America into Vietnam.
Government is manipulated by sick people bent on power and wealth. Globalization is nearly complete and could mean the end of human rights. Government should be limited to protecting the borders and delivering mail before we see World War III.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Attack Iran

There is a hot question casually popping into international affairs, could the US attack Iran? Barack Obama, John McCain, and popular media give a definite yes, so long as, they possess weapons of mass destruction or pose an imminent threat to national security. Sound familiar? The notion of an all out attack on Iran is being paraded in front of Americans, just like the months before Iraqi Freedom. Yet, this wasn't even an issue during the recent elections because all major candidates agree that an attack on Iran is a possibility. President Ahmadinijad of Iran is demonized just like Saddam. Iran is being accused, without validity, of supporting Hezbollah and other terrorist groups. The stage is being set for a war that would dwarf Vietnam and Iraq combined. Iran has ten times the population of Iraq and an army to match. I don't think anyone wants war, yet, our politicians are plunging headfirst into another. After suffering virtually zero repercussions from invading Iraq, despite outright lies and never finding nuclear weapons, our leaders made one thing clear: they have every right to invade Iran. It's a frightening thought for myself but this is on the news constantly. Hopefully, I'm wrong and this is all a paranoid delusion. However, mark my words, this presidency will lead a full out attack on Iran.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Comment: Barack Obama for President

I hope your right and that Barack Hussein Obama actually stands for change. America has been running down a slippery slope and picking up speed. We need a president that will stand up to the global elite. One with power like Barack Obama. The only problem is that he is one of them. He is more poised to pounce on the rights of citizens than any of his predecessors. Baracka is married to a member of the CFR, funded by the trilateral commission, openly attached to the Bilderbergs, and cousin to G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Shortly, he is about as black as Carrot Top. Time will reveal he is a part of the same push for a new world order.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Associated Press and Freedom of Information

Tom Curley, President and CEO of Associated Press, appreared before the Committee on the Judiciary to urge more Freedom of Information legislation. His testimony is a commentary on goverment's role in the years since the Freedom of Information Acts and the neccesity to erode obstacles to obtaining even more information. He is speaking directly to the senate but it is prepared just like a news editorial. As president to one of the largest news company, Tom Curly has experience working with FOIA by trying to use the legislation in obtaining information. However, he is routinely met, along with thousands of other, by frequent roadblocks. A number that has reached new peaks, since the first enactment of FOIA legislation forty years ago. Tom Curly notes failures by our government but provides ample excuses on their behalf. He claims FOIA officials are bogged down by the threat of being sued by the mega corporations. But FOIA was created to guard the public from those same corporations and agencies. Mr. Curly is too forgiving in his attack. He is one of the most poweful people in the press and he chooses to throw a halfhearted debate at the Senate. If people in these positions wanted to inform the public and have a freedom of information, they would be making an effort. His claims are soft and he actuallys goes on about how the FOIA are working, while he is there to argue for more legislation. The cause for free information will never move forward, when the people spearheading it work the Associated Press. He closes by stressing the importance a government that operates under public scrutiny, not in the shadows. I don't believe he came close to mentioning some of the information that needs to be released. Also, he fails to offer any solutions but he does provide excuses.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

George Bush: The Comeback Kid

In this article by Stanley Fish, he asserts that our now hated president, G.W. Bush, will be forgiven for all the accusations against him. Even his most passionate resistance will come around and open up to Georgie within a year. I can't understand the author's ability to adhere to our leaders and forgive so easily. He admits the administration's most appalling failures as: Middle East turmoil, an economic collapse, their response to Katrina, and an overall decline in the good name of America. However, upon leaving office, Dr. Fish beleives all these crimes will be forgotten and the results passed on to the next administration. Sadly, I'm sure he is correct. Everyone wants to forget and keep hoping our presidents from George Washington to George Bush were benevolent. I can't make that leap of faith when history is chalked full of hokes wars, planned economic collapses, and outright lies being told to the public. But we'll move on and hope for change in the next guy. GW can relax to be the lovable, folky character he is and retire with pride and class. To Dr. Fish, Bush is a decent person content at heart. We had some jokes and poked fun, to which GW was a good sport. Now that the pressure is off, we can all be friends. Well, I don't forget warcrimes or befriend traitors but how could you stay mad at that goofy smirk on George's face? There has been worse presidents with even lower approval ratings. Were quick to forgive our leaders and I'm sure this will be no different. On the verge of his relief from office, GW is tying up some loose ends and avoiding trifles before a return to public life. He'll exit with grace to be taken back in by popular culture with warm and open arms.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Peru Rebels Reject Surrender Call

I read an interestin article from the BBC. Peruvian authorities struggle to control rebel strongholds in the remote jungles of Peru. The group, Shining Path, are openly drug and arms dealers among other things. They have been creating political upheaval for decades throughout the region by attempting by institute their communist regime. What authorities overlook is the group's mass popularity. Many natives support the Shining Path because they stand for a change against the oppressive government. They draw in members with beliefs that big government is inevitably corrupt. They still hold out posts across the jungle and struggle for their cause, which is remarkably similar to that of the American revolution. They are labeled terrorist because they seek to establish a new reign void of the corrupt power structures that dictate their country.