Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Attack Iran

There is a hot question casually popping into international affairs, could the US attack Iran? Barack Obama, John McCain, and popular media give a definite yes, so long as, they possess weapons of mass destruction or pose an imminent threat to national security. Sound familiar? The notion of an all out attack on Iran is being paraded in front of Americans, just like the months before Iraqi Freedom. Yet, this wasn't even an issue during the recent elections because all major candidates agree that an attack on Iran is a possibility. President Ahmadinijad of Iran is demonized just like Saddam. Iran is being accused, without validity, of supporting Hezbollah and other terrorist groups. The stage is being set for a war that would dwarf Vietnam and Iraq combined. Iran has ten times the population of Iraq and an army to match. I don't think anyone wants war, yet, our politicians are plunging headfirst into another. After suffering virtually zero repercussions from invading Iraq, despite outright lies and never finding nuclear weapons, our leaders made one thing clear: they have every right to invade Iran. It's a frightening thought for myself but this is on the news constantly. Hopefully, I'm wrong and this is all a paranoid delusion. However, mark my words, this presidency will lead a full out attack on Iran.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Comment: Barack Obama for President

I hope your right and that Barack Hussein Obama actually stands for change. America has been running down a slippery slope and picking up speed. We need a president that will stand up to the global elite. One with power like Barack Obama. The only problem is that he is one of them. He is more poised to pounce on the rights of citizens than any of his predecessors. Baracka is married to a member of the CFR, funded by the trilateral commission, openly attached to the Bilderbergs, and cousin to G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Shortly, he is about as black as Carrot Top. Time will reveal he is a part of the same push for a new world order.